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Missing 17 year old Juvenile

February 3rd, 2025 by WCBC Radio

The Cumberland Police Department is seeking the public’s assistance in locating a missing juvenile, Demetrius Canty Jr. Canty is a 17 year-old black male, approximately 6 feet, 3 inches tall and 169 pounds. He was last seen in the 500 block of Frederick Street in Cumberland, MD on February 2, 2025 at approximately 7:00 pm, wearing a gray sweater and “Cookie Monster” pajama pants. Anyone with information as to his whereabouts please call the Cumberland Police Department at 301-777-1600. Callers can remain anonymous.


December 13th, 2024 by WCBC Radio

UPDATE Friday, December 13th at 3:04a.m. Randi Snowden is no longer missing.The Cumberland Police Department would like to thank the public for any assistance they may have provided.

Thursday, December 12th at 4p.m. Randi Leigh Snowden has been reported missing to the Cumberland Police Department.  She is a White female, 12 years old, 4’-11’, approximately 82 lbs., with shoulder length dark brown hair and green eyes.  She was last seen in the area of Fayette Street on Wednesday evening, 12/11/24. Her clothing description is as follows: blue jeans, and a white Playboy sweater.  It is believed that she is currently within the city limits of Cumberland.   


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