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May 26th, 2023 by WCBC Radio

The federal government has put money on the table to help states and local jurisdictions build the nation’s electric vehicle infrastructure, and the Maryland Department of Transportation is unveiling a new tool to help its partners across Maryland apply for and secure those funds.

With three weeks before a June 13 application deadline for the federal Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Discretionary Grant Program, the department has launched its new EV Charger Siting Tool – a one-stop online resource to help counties, towns and local agencies determine which communities are strong candidates to receive some of the $2.5 billion in federal funds available over the next five years.

“The Moore-Miller Administration has positioned Maryland as a leader in electric vehicle infrastructure, knowing we’ll see tremendous growth and investment as more and more EVs come into the marketplace,” said Maryland Transportation Secretary Paul J. Wiedefeld. “Helping our partners across the state secure federal funding for EV projects is part of our leadership role, and this tool is just one facet of our strategy to share knowledge, expertise and experience to make the most of those opportunities.”

As its name implies, MDOT’s EV Changer Siting Tool helps determine the best sites in Maryland for EV charger investment. For those applying for Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Discretionary grants – or other grants under the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program – the tool allows applicants to plug in an address anywhere in the state and see what factors in that area can help their application.

The tool consolidates data from state and federal agencies, including the location of existing EV chargers and their type; the number of registered EVs in a ZIP code; the location of disadvantaged communities, rural communities and transit-oriented developments; areas designated as Maryland Sustainable Communities; areas along Maryland’s designated Alternative Fuel Corridors; and Justice 40 sites – depicting marginalized and underserved communities targeted for investment to address climate change and clean energy needs.

With the EV Charger Siting Tool, grant applicants can view a map that overlays all those factors – or the ones that best apply – as they make their case for federal funding. Users can identify optimal locations for EV charging stations or other alternative fueling infrastructure. Learn more about the new EV Charger Siting Tool here, and watch a tutorial video on the tool here.

“MDOT has been a supportive partner to counties and local jurisdictions in making sure we’re working collaboratively to maximize federal grant opportunities,” said Brian Booher, Senior Planning Specialist – Zero Emissions Vehicles, Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection. “MDOT is always ready to help partners at the local level with grant applications. And the sharing of information – like the data in MDOT’s new Electric Vehicle Charger Siting Tool – is invaluable as we work to benefit our communities and the entire state.”

The Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Discretionary Grant Program was created by Biden Administration’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to deploy public electric vehicle charging and alternative fueling infrastructure in the places people live and work – in urban and rural areas. The grants will help make modern and sustainable infrastructure accessible to all drivers of electric, hydrogen, propane and natural gas vehicles. for Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Discretionary Grants will close 11:59 p.m. June 13 – this was extended from the original May 30 deadline. Applicants can access the EV Charger Siting Tool here, and apply for a CFI Grant here.

Maryland has seen registered EVs in the state grow from 609 in 2012 to more than 70,000 in April 2023. The state has a goal of 300,000 registered EVs by 2025. Learn more about Maryland’s NEVI Program here. For more information, contact Rebecca Bankard at

MDOT Here to Help Partners with Federal Grants

The EV Charger Grant Siting Tool is the latest MDOT resource designed to help agencies, counties and local jurisdictions apply for federal grants. The department is working with jurisdictions throughout the state, as well as organizations such as the Maryland Municipal League and the Maryland Association of Counties. In fact, MDOT and MACO this week partnered on a webinar, “Access to Federal Infrastructure Funding.”

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law represents a $1.2 trillion investment in the nation’s infrastructure to help rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, upgrade and expand public transit, modernize ports and airports, improve safety, address climate change, advance environmental justice and invest in communities that have been left behind.

Grant programs are a large part of that formula. To help stakeholders apply for federal grants, the department has launched a Federal Grant Information website, with information on open grants, webinars, advice for applicants and a mailing list to keep all parties up to date. Counties, local jurisdictions and other partners are encouraged to follow the page and sign up for the mailing list. For details, contact Sean Winkler at