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Let’s Beautify Cumberland Awards Presented

August 21st, 2024 by WCBC Radio

Twenty-one individuals and businesses were recognized at Tuesday’s Cumberland Mayor and City Council meeting by the Let’s Beautify Cumberland organization. Certificates were presented by LBC co-chair Ed Mullaney to those who have beautified their properties for community enhancement. WCBC Radio received recognition as a Good Neighbor for ongoing publicity and support…

"Wow and this is another mainstay of Cumberland, got this clock thing going. First person to jump up and do something was Dave Norman of WCBC Radio. And through the efforts of Mary Clites  and Chris Myers and all the people that work at WCBC, they really not only get all the news out to let people know what's going on current updates but they were the  first ones to help jumpstart our clock or Cumberland Clock. "

A special “We Care” award went to Jeff Summers who takes care of the Amtrak station on Queen City Pavement…

"There are a lot of renovations to the Amtrak station done in the last 5 years but, no station can only look as good as the people to take care of it. Jeff, I have to tell you I've run around a lot of places and see a lot of public transportations spaces, you could eat off the sidewalk at the Amtrak station. It's clean, it's wonderful."










August 18th, 2023 by WCBC Radio

Let’s Beautify Cumberland has been working on enhancing the look of the city’s parklets, sidewalks, and gardens for 27 years. This week, the group handed out its annual awards for beautification at the Mayor and City Council meeting. Ed Mullaney, co-chair for the organization, presented 14 certificates to home- and business owners for making their properties more attractive. He said more people have volunteered this past year than ever before, working on different projects around town to increase the city’s attractiveness…

Mullaney remarked community efforts have been happening since the group began in 1996 and were improved even more when the Cumberland Garden Club joined in…


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