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Latest COVID Vaccination Information

July 19th, 2021 by WCBC Radio

The Maryland Department of Health (MDH), local jurisdictions, and their partners operate COVID-19 testing sites and mobile testing teams, as well as mobile vaccination clinics throughout the state. 

This weekly advisory provides information about testing site locations and hours operated by local health departments and MDH. It also provides some information about MDH and local health departments’ and state vaccination opportunities throughout Maryland. 

Reminder: All Marylanders 12 and older are now eligible for vaccination. Directly schedule an appointment at a vaccination site or find a pharmacy, hospital or local health department near you to make an appointment. 

If you are not fully vaccinated, you are at risk of serious illness or even death from COVID-19, and should get a vaccination as soon as possible. For those who cannot get a vaccine, especially those 12 and under and those with compromised immune systems, you are vulnerable to new and contagious variants of COVID-19. Testing remains essential to stopping the spread of COVID-19. 

MDH encourages the following individuals to get COVID-19 tests:

  • People who have symptoms of COVID-19. People who are fully vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine should be evaluated by their healthcare provider and tested for COVID-19 if indicated.
  • People planning to travel. If you are planning to travel internationally, you should be fully vaccinated. However, you may also need to present a negative COVID-19 test to enter certain locations, as well as to re-enter the United States. Be aware that COVID-19 is still prevalent in many parts of the world. Check the current COVID-19 situation in your destination.
  • Unvaccinated people who:
    • Have had close contact with someone with confirmed COVID-19 (including a person who does not have symptoms within 10 days of their positive test result)
    • Have taken part in activities that put them at higher risk for COVID-19, such as attending large social or mass gatherings
    • Are prioritized for expanded community screening for COVID-19
    • Have been asked or referred to get testing by a school, workplace, or healthcare provider

Some local health departments are no longer offering testing services to focus on vaccinations, but you can find a local testing site from more than 300 listed at



Maryland Department of Health Vaccination and Testing Sites:

llegany County Health Department

  • Allegany County Fairgrounds (11000 Moss Ave., Cumberland) – CLOSED this week (July 16-24) due to fair week.  Testing will resume on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule on July 26. This site is now a drive-up site:  individuals should park as noted and a nurse will come to the car to conduct the test.

Vaccination: Currently, the Anne Arundel County Department of Health is providing vaccines by appointment. Sign-Up at Walk-ins are welcome at all locations. The AA Department of Health also has a COVID-19 Vaccine Business Incentive Program. Visit for details.