February 11th, 2025 by WCBC Radio
On Monday, February 10, 2025 at approximately 12:44 PM, officers of the Cumberland Police Department responded to a business in the first block of Greene Street for a shoplifting complaint. The staff reported to police that the suspect stole merchandise from the store and fled the area towards Washington Street. An officer located the suspect, Kayden Brewington, running from Cumberland Street onto the Market Street bridge. When the officer began to exit his patrol vehicle, Brewington pulled the stolen item from his pants and threw it on the ground. The officer was able to catch up to Brewington and take him into custody. Brewington was arrested and transported to police headquarters. He was later seen by a District Court Commissioner and posted a $2,500 unsecured personal bond.
ARRESTED: Kayden Leander Brewington AGE: 18 Cumberland, MD
CHARGES: Theft less than $100, Alter Physical Evidence, Obstructing & Hindering
August 17th, 2024 by WCBC Radio
Charge – Theft less than $100.00
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