February 17th, 2025 by WCBC Radio
On Sunday, February 16, 2025 at approximately 3:44 PM, officers of the Cumberland Police Department responded to a residence in the 700 block of Greene Street for an assault that just occurred. Police contacted the alleged victim who reported that she was assaulted by Raymond Curtis. Officers observed that the victim had sustained from the reported assaulted. After further investigation, Curtis was placed under arrest and transported to Central Booking. He was later seen by a District Court Commissioner and released on his personal recognizance.
ARRESTED: Raymond Charles Curtis AGE: 73 Cumberland, MD
CHARGES: Assault-2nd Degree
January 2nd, 2024 by WCBC Radio
On January 1, Officers from the Cumberland Police Department (CPD) were dispatched to the 100 block of Greene Street to a business for an assault. Upon arrival Officers located two persons that needed medical treatment. An investigation was conducted to where Daniel Webster Myers was placed under arrest. Upon incident to arrest, a Controlled Dangerous Substance was located on his person. Daniel was transported to Allegany County Detention Center to await his hearing.
Arrest: Daniel Myers Webster, age 53, Old Fields WV
Charges: Assault 1st Degree, Assault 2nd Degree, Controlled Dangerous Substance (suspected Cocaine)
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