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Governor Moore Says Election Tone Has Changed

July 26th, 2024 by WCBC Radio

Maryland’s Democratic Governor Wes Moore is continuing to back Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign for President and said this week that he is pleased to see a change in the direction of the upcoming election. He told reporters in Baltimore that the tone has changed, back to being more about issues and values, rather than keying on President Biden’s health…


"That the tone is no longer about speech patterns and walking gates. The conversation of this election needs to be about, what it's about which is two very different visions for the Future this country and I'm very excited for this election."

The governor also said reaching voters in November should be less about party lines, and more about talking to everyone all the time…

"When we ran our race we won with more votes than anyone would ever run for governor in the history of the state of Maryland and if you look at the math of it we didn't do that by just winning Democrats. We won Democrats, we won Independence, we won a good chunk of Republicans and I think that's the strategy. The strategy is don't pick and choose who you speak to, speak to everybody. Make your case and work harder than everybody else and I'm a big believer that if you do that that you'll be successful."