December 14th, 2021 by WCBC Radio
The Maryland Department of Health (MDH) today reported the first cold-related illness death in Maryland for the 2021-2022 winter weather season. The deceased individual is an adult male in the 50 to 60 age range. The death occurred in Baltimore City.
“As temperatures continue to drop across the state, Marylanders are urged to take every precaution possible to prevent cold-related illnesses,” said Deputy Secretary for Public Health Dr. Jinlene Chan. "We also remind everyone to check on neighbors and relatives during very cold weather—especially the elderly. Older adults are particularly susceptible to hypothermia, which occurs when the body’s temperature falls below 95 degrees Fahrenheit.”
From November through March, MDH’s Office of Preparedness and Response (OPR) monitors temperature, weather conditions, and incidence of cold-related illnesses and deaths in the state. During the 2020-2021 winter weather season, MDH reported 57 cold-related deaths.