June 27th, 2021 by WCBC Radio
Young Brayden Pielert got to go fishing with his dad at a nearby pond and the smile on his face says it all. Photo by Noah Pielert
Summer is in full swing and those who have been sequestered by pandemic, work, or school are flocking to the outdoors. Maryland State Parks are having another busy season, and just viewing the weekend traffic headed towards the beaches or western mountains makes it clear folks want to get out and do something.
Many Marylanders are also finding plenty of outdoor recreation close to home; fishing in small ponds and similar waters offers plenty of exciting fishing fun.
The last Maryland license-free fishing day for the year is on July 4, presenting a great opportunity to take someone on their first fishing adventure without needing to purchase a license.
Anglers are reminded of the upcoming striped bass closure period in the Chesapeake Bay from July 16 through July 31, to lessen catch-and-release mortalities of undersized striped bass. Hot summer weather creates tough conditions for striped bass survival, which is also why DNR introduced its striped bass fishing advisory forecast for the warmest months each year, so anglers can better plan their fishing for striped bass to lessen mortalities.