May 11th, 2023 by WCBC Radio
The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR), Bureau for Family Assistance is seeking to establish and expand Family Support Centers (FSCs) statewide. Applications for funding of new and existing centers will be accepted from May 15 to June 12, 2023. Successful applicants may be awarded up to $250,000 for the state fiscal year 2024 grant cycle.
FSCs are designed to address risk factors that may impact a family’s wellness and stability, and provide a safe and convenient location where families can receive or be referred to community-based supports and services. Onsite services at FSCs vary according to community needs, but may include parenting and life skills classes, child playgroups, food and diaper pantries, and counseling. These services are designed to end generational poverty, help families prosper, and prevent situations that may lead to child abuse and neglect.
“FSCs are wonderful community resources that not only link families with concrete supports to help meet their basic needs, but also serve as community hubs for family education and life skills,” said Janie Cole, Commissioner for DHHR’s Bureau for Family Assistance. “Our goal is to fund the expansion of existing centers or the creation of new centers to assure statewide coverage. FSCs are critical partners in keeping West Virginia families out of crisis so they can stay together and thrive.”
FSC services are not restricted to at-risk families, but offered to any family in a community who would benefit from the services and programs available. Currently, 40 counties are covered by 37 FSCs.
Funding is available through Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), the Promoting Safe and Stable Families Act, and Title II of the Child Abuse Prevention & Treatment Act. Applicants must first register as a vendor and may then apply through the portal.
For information on DHHR’s Bureau for Family Assistance grant application process, visit To view and apply for careers with the Bureau for Family Assistance, visit