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Color-Coded County Map System will Continue to Determine Status of WV Athletic Competitions

November 7th, 2020 by WCBC Radio

During Friday’s briefing, West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice explained that he has recently held several discussions with state health and education experts to determine the best way to approach athletic and other extracurricular competitions involving schools in counties with elevated levels of risk for community spread of COVID-19, at a time where case numbers continue to reach record highs in West Virginia and across the United States.

“I called our experts and I told them to look at this independent of me, knowing we have teams and kids in the middle of playoffs, and come back to me with a recommendation,” Gov. Justice said. “I want us to make the very best decisions for the people of this great state, knowing these decisions are dog-flat tough. At the end of the day, based on the recommendations of the health professionals, they feel like they have to continue using the existing education map and DHHR County Alert Map to guide us through the decisions on these counties.”