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City Cleanup Continues June 23-25

June 21st, 2023 by WCBC Radio

After great success for the first weekend of the City of Cumberland Clean-Up Effort, there will be no more tire drop off at the Service Center. The trailer has been filled to capacity over this past weekend and we cannot take anymore tires. To dispose of tires, please contact Rice Tire in Cumberland for more information.  The second weekend of dumpster drop off will be taking place on June 23-25 at White Oaks Shopping Center. This drop off location will be for trash and bulk items. Please do not bring any of the following items to dispose in the dumpsters:

- No white goods (ex. stove, fridge, or other appliances)

- No hazardous materials (ex. paint, propane tanks, used oil, and pesticides)

- No tires in the dumpsters

You must be a resident of the City of Cumberland to dump for this clean-up effort. Please provide proof of residency with a utility or tax bill or a valid drivers license when dropping off trash and/or bulk items. If you have any questions, please contact the Community Development Office at 301-722-2000 ext. 5600.