March 6th, 2025 by WCBC Radio
ARRESTED: Robert Rodriquez Jr. AGE: 49 Cumberland, MD
CHARGE: Burglary-4th Degree-Dwelling
September 10th, 2024 by WCBC Radio
On Monday, September 9, 2024 at approximately 8:50 AM, officers of the Cumberland Police Department responded to a residence in the 500 block of N. Centre Street for a breaking and entering complaint. Officers contacted the landlord who explained that a male and female were just inside the apartment and they were not allowed to be there. The suspects were identified as Timothy Elder and Marissa Tice. After further investigation, Elder and Tice were arrested and transported to Central Booking. They were later seen by a District Court Commissioner for a bond hearing. Elder posted a $2,500 unsecured personal bond. Tice was released on her personal recognizance.
ARRESTED: Timothy Lee Elder AGE: 35 Cumberland, MD
CHARGES: Burglary-4th Degree, Trespassing: Private Property
ARRESTED: Marissa Linnae Tice AGE: 26 Cumberland, MD
CHARGES: Burglary-4th Degree, Trespassing: Private Property
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