October 6th, 2022 by WCBC Radio
A bill that, among other things, mandates healthcare workers participate in implicit bias training officially became law in Maryland on October 1st. The focus of the law is to confront racial inequality in the healthcare system through legislation that targets individual care providers and the state as a whole. Evidence-based implicit bias training will now be required of any health care professional looking to renew their license with a health occupations board or the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education every two years. The training would provide participants with a comprehensive framework on implicit bias, defined in the bill as, in part, “prejudicial negative feelings or beliefs about a group that an individual holds without being aware.” State Senator Charles Sydnor III, a Baltimore County Democrat, viewed the legislation as necessary to halt what he views as a growing problem…
Laura Morgan, a registered nurse and manager of the Do No Harm organization, was fired for failing to take part in the implicit bias training program…