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Bench Warrants Served

March 24th, 2025 by WCBC Radio

On Sunday, March 23rd, 2025, the Cumberland Police Department arrested Tracy Kerry Williams, 39, of Cumberland MD. Williams was arrested on three active Bench Warrants issued by the Allegany County District Court on March 13th, 2025. All the warrants allege Williams violated the terms and conditions of probation that stemmed from three previous convictions on charges of trespassing, CDS possession, and assault. He was taken before a District Court Commissioner for an Initial Appearance where he was remanded to the Allegany County Detention Center. He is currently being held without bond. 
Name:    Tracy Kerry Williams                                 Age:   39
Charges:   Bench Warrant – VOP x3.

On Sunday, March 23rd, 2025, the Cumberland Police Department arrested Shartees Shavon Curtis, 34, of Cumberland MD. Flores was arrested on three active warrants issued by the Allegany County District Court. Curtis was served with two Arrest Warrants issued for incidents that occurred on February 7th and February 13th. During each incident, it is alleged that Curtis shoplifted items from a business in the 400 block of Virginia Ave. She was also served with a Bench Warrant for failing to appear in court on March 12th for a previous theft charge at the same Virginia Ave business. She was taken before a District Court Commissioner for an Initial Appearance where she was remanded to the Allegany County Detention Center. She is currently being held without bond. 
Name:    Shartees Shavon Curtis                                 Age:   34
Charges:   Theft less than $100 x2, Bench Warrant-Fail to Appear.

On Monday, March 24th, 2025, the Cumberland Police Department arrested Joshua Michael Reikie, 45, of Cumberland MD. Reikie was arrested on an active Bench Warrant issued by the Allegany County District Court on March 19th, 2025. The warrant alleges that Reikie failed to appear in court on that date for a previous charge of CDS paraphernalia possession. He was taken before a District Court Commissioner for an Initial Appearance where he was released on his own recognizance. 

Name:    Joshua Michael Reikie                                 Age:   45
Charges:   Bench Warrant-Fail to Appear.

March 15th, 2025 by WCBC Radio

On Friday, March 14, 2025, the Cumberland Police Department served a bench warrant on Tyele Powell.  The warrant was issued as the result of Powell failing to appear in court on original charges of Fail to Obey a Reasonable & Lawful Order, Disorderly Conduct, and Resisting Arrest.  Powell was arrested and transported to Central Booking.  He was later seen by a District Court Commissioner and posted a $5,000 unsecured personal bond.

ARRESTED:  Tyele Ashaun Powell       AGE:  26           Cumberland, MD

On Friday, March 14, 2025, the Cumberland Police Department served three bench warrants on Jason Stottlemyer.  The warrants were issued as the result of Stottlemyer failing to comply with court orders on original charges of Arson-Trash Containers, Malicious Burning-2nd Degree, Burglary-4th Degree-Dwelling, Trespass-Posted Property, Theft: $100 to under $1500 (x2).  Stottlemyer was arrested and transported to Central Booking.  He is currently being held at the Allegany County Detention Center awaiting a bond hearing.

ARRESTED:  Jason Kelly Stottlemyer      AGE:  48          Cumberland, MD

On Friday, March 14, 2025, the Cumberland Police Department served a bench warrant on Eric Marmaduke. The warrant was issued as the result of Marmaduke failing to appear in court on original charges of Trespass: Private Property, Disturb Peace/Disorderly, Fail to Obey a Reasonable & Lawful Order.  He was arrested and later seen by a District Court Commissioner for a bond hearing.  As a result, Marmaduke was remanded to the Allegany County Detention Center on a $2,500 bond.

ARRESTED:  Eric Roger Marmaduke            AGE:  55          Cumberland, MD

On Friday, March 14, 2025, the Cumberland Police Department served a bench warrant on Dame’Ra Davis.  The warrant was issued as the result of Davis failing to appear in court on original charges of Trespass: Private Property.  Davis was arrested and transported to Central Booking.  She was later seen by a District Court Commissioner and posted a $500 unsecured personal bond.

ARRESTED:  Dame’Ra Davis                AGE:  25              Cumberland, MD


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