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Assault arrest

January 31st, 2025 by WCBC Radio

On Thursday, January 30th, 2025, the Cumberland Police Department arrested Anthony Eugene Smith, 60, of Cumberland MD. Smith was arrested on an active Arrest Warrant issued by the Allegany County District Court for an incident that occurred on December 16th, 2024. During that incident, it is alleged that Smith assaulted a staff member at a local medical facility. He was taken before a District Court Commissioner for an Initial Appearance where he was released on his own recognizance.

Name:    Anthony Eugene Smith                                 Age:   60
Charges:    Assault 2nd Degree.

September 25th, 2024 by WCBC Radio

On Wednesday, September 25, 2024 at approximately 12:40 AM, officers of the Cumberland Police Department responded to a residence in the 100 block of W. Oldtown Rd. for a disturbance.  Officers contacted the parties involved and learned that an assault had occurred prior to their arrival and the victim had sustained injuries.  As a result of the investigation, Amanda Brown was placed under arrest and transported to Central Booking where she is currently being held pending her initial appearance before the court.

ARRESTED:  Amanda Marie Brown                AGE:  43                 Cumberland, MD
CHARGES:  Assault-2nd Degree


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