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Plain Language Executive Order Signed

July 25th, 2024 by WCBC Radio

Governor Wes Moore is bringing plain language standards to all state communications – brief, easy-to-understand language for the average reader and those with disabilities.  Moore signed an executive order Monday that seeks to remove technical and governmental terms and jargon that confuse and hamper users from filling in applications or getting information…

I don't know a single person who likes confusing instructions are convoluted writing it's not just frustrating, it's harmful, it's segregating and oftentimes and unfortunately it's intentional because Marylanders with disabilities tricky language can be the difference between getting the help you need and getting left behind…

Moore says the Plain Language Initiative will ensure every piece of writing that comes out from the state is simple and easy to read and navigate in print and online…


If a single mom in our state cannot access affordable healthcare because the instructions on the application is too confusion, that's not good government. If a Maryland family cannot understand updates about a hurricane in their community because a website is hard to read, that's not good government…