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FedEx Van fire in Barton damages garage

March 27th, 2020 by WCBC Radio

The Cumberland Times News reports sState fire investigators are attempting to determine the cause of a Friday morning fire that destroyed a FedEx van and damaged a seven-bay garage on Barton Mining Road. The Office of the Maryland State Fire Marshal said the 9:42 a.m. fire caused about $50,000 damage, and started in the van's engine compartment.

An employee reporting for work discovered the remains of the fire, investigators said.

The Barton Hose Company responded.

One Response to “FedEx Van fire in Barton damages garage”

  1. March 27, 2020 at 4:50 pm, Steve said:

    Not certain of the relevance, there has been a Fed Ex vehicle running around delivering for nearly 2 years with severe noise coming from it. If that were any individuals vehicle, they would have been cited.


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